I was a self-employed entrepreneur/stay at home mom but my children were kidnapped by the State and I've spent the past 2 years learning everything I can about the system for regaining mom status, taking back my power from Big Brother and becoming a people's freedom activist.  I am a light worker, and spiritual life coach for EThA-s and Starseeds, I fight bad guys at night....  Meanwhile I have learned about online earning in addition to my local small business/cleaning company Clean Touch and my secret side mission of liberating the human souls from the Earth-trap while saving the Planet Gaia from nefarious vampiric entities and energies.  I am an enigma, I am an ancient soul. I am a lightkeeper and a wayshower.  I float in the Ethers and I transmute low-vibrational frequencies and turn that sh*t into musical artwork and light! You're welcome.  Luv.


On a personal note, I am a terrible salesperson. I prefer to give things away because I hate what money has done to this world's systems with a little added greed...   I am an artist in my spare time and love very ecentric & eclectic, umm, everything. I am rustic but i clean up well. I am able to carry a conversation about nearly any topic without embarrassing myself or others. I am not religious but i am one of the most spiritually active and conscious people I know of.  I have very strong opinions about human rights and politics but I am able to share them in a less offensive way than some and I always think before I speak. (I ask myself: does it need to be said? does it need to be said now? and does it need to be said by me? IF YES TO ALL 3 QUESTIONS, then proceed!).  i DONT' judge you...or me!  I don't tolerate bullshit or ignore it.  i dont role play or pose for any amount of money  or for any reason and I am a little bit of an activist when it comes to current issues in real life.  i am fearless and dauntless while gentle as a kitten and I have a knack for breaking the ice and helping others to find their comfort zone within the space I share with them.  I love outdoors and I dont watch television.  i paint, sculpt, draw, write,  love love love LOVE to cook and enjoy good food and only high quality drink.  i only drink Scotch, preferably a single malt, and microbrew beers.  I don't do soda pop or candy.  I make my own clothing as often as not, and I create my own path and pave the way for others.  love fishing for relaxation, for dinner, or fun but NOT for sport.  I am not a vegeratian but I prefer roadkill over improperly raised livestock/meat in general. I know my way around the kitchen and I can adapt to just about any environment without changing who I am.  I am a Taurus, lifepath 1 and physics buff.  I am a healer and a giver, i practice Reiki and minimalism, am a very selective spiritual life coach for some major players in the game of Life and I always approach things from a place of unconditional love and nonjudgement.